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Bubba MoSho Jerky

FREE Shipping on 4+ bag purchases! Discount code: BUBBA 

Our journey began in the late 70s outside Pittsburgh, PA as George Mosho began drying beef marinated in simple marinades as a hobby.  This hobby along with the family recipe was passed down to his son David. As David continued making jerky, he introduced new flavors and seasoning techniques, but it always remained a hobby.

During the pandemic David, Director of Security at Northwoods Mall in North Charleston, picked the hobby back up as a friendly challenge to show co-workers and gym members that his family marinades and drying processes produced a far better jerky then what they were purchasing at their grocery stores.  The jerky was a hit not just at work and the gym but all over the Low Country of Charleston.  Soon there were too many requests for David to keep up with from his kitchen and he started to investigate taking this hobby to the next level.

Finally, in late 2022, Bubba MoSho Jerky went to market and now in March of 2023 is featured at the historical Charleston City Night Market.

All of Bubba MoSho Jerky is made with 100%  USDA certified beef, marinated in small batches and processed at an SQF Level 3 facility.  SQF-3 is the Safe Quality Food Institute’s highest kitchen certification and recognized globally.

FREE Shipping on 3+ bag purchases! Discount code: BUBBA